Call the methods of a contract on a specific network
Supported networks:
- 1 - Ethereum
- 5 - Goerli (Ethereum Testnet)
- 137 - Polygon Mainnet
- 80001 - Mumbai (Polygon Testnet)
- 56 - Binance Smart Chain
- 97 - Binance Smart Chain Testnet
- 43114 - Avalanche C-Chain
- 43113 - Fuji (Avalanche Testnet)
- 122 - Fuse
- 123 - Spark (Fuse Testnet)
- 42220 - Celo
- 44787 - Alfajores (Celo Testnet)
- 246 - Energy Web Chain
- 73799 - Volta (Energy Web Testnet)